1. Reform of the United Nations Security Council

The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is the department of the United Nations (UN) responsible for the world's immediate response to global crises and atrocities. If there is war, conflict, genocide - the UNSC is supposed to act on behalf of the entire international community.

This body, however, remains continuously paralysed because the only countries in the UNSC are the United States, United Kingdom, Russia, France and China; the agreement of all 5 countries is necessary to authorise UNSC action and they virtually never agree.

Identifying what is and what is not a crime against humanity should not be something that only five countries decide. The international response mechanism must be reformed to make sure every single mass atrocity is neutralised immediately and effectively.

2. Reform of Judaism and Governance in Israel

Legal functions relating to the Torah were carried out by Priests, Levites and Judges in ancient times (2 Chron 19:4-11, Ezra 7:6-10). However, in approximately 160BC, the Sadducee Priests began to introduce secular philosophies belonging to Hellenist aristocrats. Although the Pharisees were not Priests, they were not prepared to let the Sadducees distort the religion.

When the Sadducean Priesthood eventually fell apart, the Pharisees replaced the Sadducee Priests in the interpretation, explanation, creation and application of Jewish Law. The Sadducee Priests, Levites and Judges of antiquity disappeared with the passage of time.

The Pharisaic tradition of interpreting Jewish Law has continued up unto the present day and is known as Orthodox Rabbinic Judaism. The problem is, the Torah says Jewish Law must be interpreted, explained, created and applied by Priests, Levites and Judges. Jews have been following a non-Torah system of law as an accident of political history for 2,000 years. It is not possible to establish a secular democratic 'Israel' without the Torah; the Torah is the basis of the land of Israel.  See all scriptures.

3. Child Abuse

Unlike victims of an isolated crime, children may be forced to endure a lifetime of abuse at the mercy of their guardians. We know as adults that some people should be behind bars. We would not want to meet certain types people in alleyways at night. Yet a child born into an abusive household is not only forced to endure the criminal individual for years on end, they have to do so when only infant in their abilities to resist and protect themselves and still within crucial stages of their personal development.

Without rescue, abused children are more likely to develop cognitive, behavioural and physical disorders in adulthood; the scars of a lifetime of crippling they were helpless to escape from.

The adult community has to save children. Healthy and happy children are vital to the advancement of our world and mankind.

4. ​Mistreatment of Animals

Animals bred for slaughter are easy targets for sadists. They have even less protection than children and are routinely subjected to much worse physical abuse. There is a holocaust taking place for animals in captivity every day, across the world.

Not thinking about their suffering is seemingly easy but empathy prevents prevarication. We must protect living sentient beings from heinous crimes. Comprehensive campaigns to eradicate cruel behaviours in societies are necessary. 

5. Education and Skills

GHE argues for specific reforms in education. Students need reminding of what they have learnt, at least once, otherwise they forget virtually everything they are taught.

Curriculums need to cover issues such as the reporting of and coping with abuse at the hands of guardians and coping mechanisms (such as with bereavement, loss, unfairness etc.) in general. 

Children need an introduction into how to organise an adult life successfully; including planning their parenthood, understanding income, costs and budgeting, long-term career planning and how to replace dysfunctional coping mechanisms, such as the misuse of alcohol or smoking. Children should have access to as wide a variety of skills as possible, at least once, to have the best chance of finding out what they are most talented at.

At college and university, it is helpful if the basic information is set out in note form (or as a visual brainstorm), rather than requiring students to research the basic information themselves. Having the basic information up front makes it easier to learn and frees up time for more advanced conclusions about the basic data.

6. Nicely Behaved, Confident Societies

Instead of wanting to be better than others, other people can be opportunities for mutual support and sharing; uplifting and happiness. 

Societies benefit when people have a degree of care about others in the society. Wanting others to be successful, wanting them to be happy, allowing others to be confident and sharing their success, rather than resenting it. Bringing out the best in others rather than wanting them to be squashed down. There is so much to learn and enjoy in our human relationships.

7. Crime, Neuroscience and Prisoner Rehabilitation

There are reasons why people commit crimes. When a person has experienced external oppression, a conviction for a crime may be simply another development in a lifetime of unfair experiences.

Putting these people in prisons that damage them further and then releasing them back into society is not a useful model. Prisons should be places where people are rehabilitated as much as possible.

Focus should be on cognitive and behavioural therapy and decent, regulated treatment by staff. Certain criminals should never be released.

8. Solutions for Homelessness

The majority of homeless people are on the streets because their lives have crashed in some significant way.

Communal living arrangements can provide safety, help with domestic household maintenance, facilitate social rehabilitation and engender cost effectiveness and reductions for governments. Communal homeless developments can run properly supervised crêche facilities, helping mums get back to work.

In this video, GHE Project Creator Lucy Barnard discusses some of the difficulties that people who live on the street often experience.  

9. Environmental Repair

Global crises have taken a sickening toll on the purity and cleanliness of our environment. Idyllic nature spots have become saturated with filth and overladen with trash. Ecosystems are suffocated. There is a mass of trash with an area 5 times the size of Texas in the Pacific Ocean. The breakdown of microplastics that this plastic continent alone threatens is a global crisis. 

We are in continuously increasing global distress and the environment is being more and more damaged. Focus on the environmental degradation currently taking place on our planet is a priority. The future is in sustainable resources and methods and preventing the water supply from becoming polluted for millenia to come.